Annual General Meeting Notice

It is proposed that the club hold its Inaugral Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday 12th July 2017, 19:30 at Club Woodham, South Woodham Ferrers. All members (parents and players) are welcome to attend.

The AGM is held in order to;

i. receive the reports of the committee for the club
ii. receive the report of the club’s finances for the season 2016-17
iii. elect the members of the club committee
iv. consider any other business

Nominations for elections of members as Club Officers or as members of the Committee shall be made in writing by a proposer and seconder, both of whom must be existing members of the club, to the club secretary not less than 2 days before the AGM.

Committee Club Officer post nominations for election are: Joint Chairmen (Chris Firminger & Darren Thompson), Vice Chairman (Ray Chettur), Secretary (Iain Watts), Treasurer (Paul Humphries), Child Welfare Officers (Mike Warren) & Events Officer (Manny Cross).

Sub Committee Club Officer post nominations are: Kit Officers (James English & Rupert Baker), Mini Soccer Representative (Justin Pearce), Youth Soccer Representative (Paul Weeks), Girls Soccer Representative (tbc), Mens Soccer Representative (Paul Bowers), Development Officer (tbc), Fundraising Officer (tbc).

Notice of any resolution to be proposed at the AGM shall be given in writing to the club secretary not less than 2 days before the meeting.

The agenda, nominations for Club Officers / Members of the Club Committee and any proposed resolutions will be made available to members no later than 11th July 2017 if necessary.

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